Oh My Aches and Pains!: Could It Be True? A Blood Test to Diagnose Fibromyalgia?
According to Oh My Aches and Pains!:
Dr. Gillis explained that while doing related research, he happened to discovered a particular cytokine profile in the blood that appeared to confirm whether a person has fibromyalgia or not...this blood test would result in a validated, objective way to diagnose fibromyalgia.As we know all too well, fibromyalgia is currently diagnosed through the process of elimination of other diseases along with the subjective and often unreliable tender point system. In 2010 a new diagnostic tool was implemented by evaluating the severity of pain and other symptoms using the widespread pain index (WPI) and the symptom severity (SS) scale. But a blood test would put all that to rest, providing indisputable proof of the presence of fibromyalgia.
Oh My Aches and Pains! goes on to say:
What are cytokines? The simple answer is that cytokines are small protein molecules released by nerve and immune cells that send signals to other cells in the body to do things like alter cell functions and increase/decrease the regulate of genes. In the case of fibromyalgia, these messengers cause the central nervous system to create the widespread body pain characteristic of fibromyalgia as well as other physiological, hormonal and behavioral changes.Dr. Gillis conjectures that retesting after starting treatment for fibromyalgia will show whether the treatment is working. A change in the cytokine profile can indicate whether or not the treatment is effective.
The research study is ongoing, so if you live in the Los Angeles area, you can volunteer to participate in the study. Oh My Aches and Pains! provides this contact information:
To learn more, read the online recruitment flyer or call (310) 586-1919 or (310) 586-2929 for more information.
I read an article on Findrxonline that there are different medicines to control Fibromyalgia but is the doctor who should be noted right and also recommended not to use drugs without a prescription.